Carolina Fangueiro <title>

Is This Home? Searching for Intimacy
is the result of a research-based practice which focuses on the home as intimacy’s place. Here, the home is not thought of as a closed entity,  encolosing the possibilitues of intimacy in the domestic, in opposition to the outside world, but as a space in flux in its relation to the world.
Through this artistic practice, wild homes are proposed as places of confluence, which aid in the understanding of the present’s complex conditions, while fictioning and speculating about future bodies. These homes are constructed through activating two relational tools put foward in this research: on one hand, relational intimacy, creator of individual worlds and affective tool that acts as an interface, mediating entities and realities. On the other, maps of proximity; activating relational intimacy, they cartograph and measure the world in an intersubjective manner. Operating with these tools, the artistic practice creates worlds of interest and projection, and can truly begin to conceive of other ways of observing and understanding our reality. The homes proposed in this research are then the entanglement of materialities and reflections about the possible infrastructures of intimacy.

Is This Home? Searching for Intimacy
nov-dec 2023
ªSede, Porto, PT
Installation views
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